Do You Feel Safe & Secure? Continued

In response to my Do You Feel Safe & Secure? blog, I received this thoughtful comment. I applaud the community’s plan on hiring an outside facilitator. I also encourage those with similar concerns to attend our Dealing with Diverse Personalities Retreat.

Since last exchanging emails with you (National Cohousing Open House Day), there have been some changes in my Cohousing Village. A group of residents decided that they were not feeling safe at monthly business meetings.

One of these folks has never attended a business meeting, but heard that people stood up and shouted at business meetings. This group decided to hold meetings so everyone can share their feeling about these unsafe meetings and such. Hmmm. Too bad they scheduled a meeting when I was out of town.

So you ask about safety and security. I do not lock my doors even when out of the country. But that kind of safety is only part of the story. When residents gang up on one or two members, all relationship safety is nullified. Yes, we are working to educate ourselves on better meeting etiquette by hiring an outside trainer.

In the meantime, exclusivity, and the “in crowd” prevails in relationships, and safety is out the window for me.

Category: Safety

Tags: emotional health, living in cohousing, meetings

Views: 1040

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